These lists provide details of changes to legislation including repeals, amendments and other effects (e.g. modifications and commencement information) made by subsequent legislation.
The search form below provides access to lists detailing changes made by all UK legislation enacted from 2002 – present to the UK primary legislation held on Changes made by legislation enacted prior to 2002 have already been incorporated into the content of the primary legislation and are not available as searchable lists. Changes made by secondary legislation enacted from 1971 onwards are available. Changes to EU Regulations and Decisions originating from the EU by UK legislation are also included in these lists.
The lists are updated with changes made by new legislation as soon as possible after the legislation is received by the editorial team. In most cases the changes will be available within two weeks of the new legislation being published, though during particularly busy periods for new legislation it may take longer. Up to 11.00 p.m. on 31 December 2020, changes to EU legislation made by EU legislation were captured from EUR-Lex and published to the Changes to Legislation pages. Due to the high volume of Statutory Instruments containing EU Exit amendments published in the period up to and around 31 December 2020, the usual editorial practice and timescales will not apply to EU Exit amendments.
Note: Where changes and effects have yet to be applied to revised legislation you are viewing on this site, then any ‘Changes to Legislation’ are also displayed alongside the content of the legislation at provision level.
Changes to Local and Private and Personal Acts
The Chronological Tables list changes to Local, Private and Personal Acts dating from 1797 – 2008. They are updated each year and as the title suggests, the tables list Local, Private and Personal Acts in their chronological sequence along with details about repeals of, and changes (including amendments and substitutions) made to those Acts. They have been published in parts to make navigation easier.
Changes to Statutory Rules (Northern Ireland)
The Chronological Tables list changes to Statutory Rules dating from 1923 – 2023. They are updated each year and as the title suggests, the tables list Northern Ireland SRs in their chronological sequence along with the details of amendments made to Statutory Rules, which are in force. Rules, which are revoked, are listed with details of revoking legislation and are printed in italics.